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ICDHS Conference

ICDHS Conference

brand identity


ICDHS 2016 Taipei的視覺辨識系統的設計由I, C, D, H, S五個字母為基礎發展出一個主視覺,四項子視覺圖案–每個字的筆畫皆以半透明色彩呈現,透過筆畫的交集呈現出不同的色彩,色彩的交集代表了來自世界各地專業人士的交流互動、 觀點的衝擊與交換。四項子視覺圖案則將為國際盛事中各項專業活動的視覺引導, 筆畫交集的概念也運用在該視覺辨識系統的事物用品中,貫徹視覺辨識系統的原則,提供每一位前來參加研討會的參與者清楚而專業的視覺印象與環境識別。

ICDHS is an international research community that focuses on design history and design studies. This Visual Identity System composes of five characters-I, C, D, H, S and can divide into one major and four sub visual patterns. Each stroke of the character uses a semi-transparent color, and through crossover of each stroke creates different layer of colors. The interaction of colors symbolizes interchange and conflict of diverse viewpoints; interaction and crossover of professionals from all over the world. The four sub visual patterns will serve as visual guidance for major events and activities of this international affair. Such concept of character crossover also applies to the design of stationaries and objects of this Visual Identity System. Following the same principle, we provide each participant of this seminar clear and professional visual image and wayfinding indication.

art direction
visual design

Tingyi.S Lin

Tingyi.S Lin

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