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111-2 Contact & Communication Book

111-2 新北市國中品德教育聯絡簿設計

visual design


7 年級|言語力量

每個人都有發言、發表自身想法的自由,但更重要的是必須權衡發言的尺度,並學習站在不同的立場思考,在「說」與「聽」的立場之間換位思考、同理他人的感受。畫面上以「耳」、「口」和對話的符號表現「接收訊息」及「傳達訊息」,並在圖像之間穿插單字 ― Conversation / 對話(n.)。傳達擁有傾聽和訴說權利的同時,也必須思考相對產生的責任及義務。


8 年級|情誼關係

學校就像一個小型社會,無時無刻不在學習如何與同學、師長溝通及合作。8年級封面以「三方合作,擊個掌!」的畫面鼓勵同學們學習與身邊的同儕、師長、家長互相配合、維持良好關係,畫面中以三隻手互相擊掌作為核心,搭配外圍的線條帶出交流合作的密切與流動,其中穿插單字 ― Connection / 連結(n.),鼓勵同學學習與身邊的人互相協作,達成和諧、友好的互動。


9 年級|思想與行動

9年級的同學面對升學,開始思考未來的方向。因此本冊聯絡簿以「思想成長」為題,期望他們自由地思考未來的可能性,也鼓勵同學們不論想追尋的方向是什遇到什麼困難,都要用盡全力地衝刺。 畫面中呈現出同學們追求目標時,雙腿像上了馬達,不停往前跑,跨越難關,勇敢追夢,其中穿插單字 ― Exploration / 探索(n.),象徵邁向下個階段的探索與發現。

This set of contact books helps students explore "Action and Feedback" through three themes—"The Power of Language," "Relationships," and "Thoughts and Actions Toward Further Education." It encourages perspective-taking, effective communication, and perseverance in overcoming challenges.


7th Grade | The Power of Language

Students are encouraged to practice empathy and balance "speaking" and "listening," considering the impact of their words. The design features "ears," "mouths," and the word "Conversation (n.)" to symbolize communication and responsibility.

8th Grade | Relationships

Focusing on teamwork and cooperation, the 8th-grade theme highlights "Three-way cooperation, high five!" with three hands and flowing lines representing connection. The word "Connection (n.)" emphasizes building strong relationships with peers, teachers, and family.

9th Grade | Thoughts and Actions

This book inspires students to explore future possibilities and persevere through challenges. The design shows students running toward goals with motor-powered legs, alongside the word "Exploration (n.)," symbolizing growth and discovery.

art direction
visual design illustration collaborative writing publisher

美感細胞 教科書再造計畫



Zuzu Tsai


新北市政府教育局 新北學Bar


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